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Culture is the unique possession of man. Man is born and brought up in a cultural environment. Man is not only a social animal but also a cultural being. Man cannot survive as a man without culture. Culture fulfils our needs and represents the entire achievements of mankind.E. B. Taylor defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morale, laws, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."If there is anything that makes every one of us, including the teachers, happy and smiling, it is the annual day celebrations in one’s school. No matter how many years we have celebrated so far, each occasion would go down memory lane!Cultural function goes beyond other factors that play a role in determining meaning in that it establishes which of those factors take precedence over the others, and whether they are given any role in the determination of meaning.By making cultural programme,the students enjoyed a lot of it.Thy are boosted up for the next year.it gives themself a moral support.In this way students can show gratitude to their teachers.last of all the bonding between teacher and are getting storng from this.There is astrong realtion between education and culture.think we can call school is a cultural institution because the "culture" is the way of our lives. We go to school to learn many things, meet many friends and so on. And, these behaviors are part of our lives.

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The program started with the inaugural sppech by the headmaster of RSN i.e Mr. Prahlad Roy.after that,every guests and teacher are garlanded by the students.After that,every student are gathered into the compound.

After that,inaugural song is performed by the students.All the cultural events like dance,singing,recitation,drama are performed by the students under observation of all scool teachers.and, in between , the prize distribution cermony is oocured.the student from last education year,who stood first,second and third are awarded by the schhol authority.after that,there is a time gap fo the refresment of all the students.


The Date of Annual Function is:23.12.2017

Morning Functions (From 8:30 AM onward)
Function   Date
Birth Day Celebration of Netaji Subhash Ch. Bose   23.01.2017
Republic Day Celebration   26.01.2017
Independance Day Celebration   15.08.2017
Freshers' Day
Class V   11.02.2017
Class XI   12.08.2017
Farewell (Class X & XII)
Saturday at 11:00 Am   14.01.2017
Gurdian Meeting
Monday   17.04.2017
Monday   20.11.2017
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